Investment Thesis Report: Fertility Care

This investment thesis report delves into the booming market of fertility care, emphasizing the increasing rates of infertility particularly in the United States. It explores the lifestyle and environmental causes of infertility and highlights the challenges faced by couples seeking fertility treatments, with a focus on the prohibitive costs associated with in vitro fertilization (IVF). The paper subsequently discusses the disparities in insurance coverage for fertility treatments across states and employers, the recent consolidation of fertility clinics, and the largely overlooked issue of male factor infertility. Contextual factors, such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise in individuals identifying as LGBTQ+, and the legal implications of the Dobbs Supreme Court ruling, are also considered. Finally, the report touches on investment areas and opportunities in the fertility market, underscoring the need for innovation, inclusivity, and proactive approaches to reproductive care.

Thanks to Isaac Goldman for authoring this overview of the fertility care market.

Click here for a direct link to the investment thesis report (PDF).